+1.855.560.9761 Local/int: +1.514. 228.3344
Ensure the online safety of customers

Choose the SSL certificate that suits you

GeoTrust is the second largest supplier of certificates in the world

$58/year *


QuickSSL® Premium is one of the fastest ways to protect your applications and your online transactions

$76/year *

True BusinessID

GeoTrust® True BusinessID SSL certificates are used to report to your customers that your site is reliable

$106/year *

Premium SAN

QuickSSL® Premium can also secure other names of domains and servers by adding them to the field of SAN (Subject Alternate Name)

$155 /year *

T. BusinessID EV

Show that you have a security system strengthened through the green address bar

Superior website security for ?

Approximately 63% of online shoppers will not purchase from a website that does not display a trustmark or security policy

  • Purchase products online
  • Register for a service or newsletter
  • Enter a secure client area
  • Fill in a request form
* Prices are in US dollar USD. The rate of exchange used to convert the amount of your transaction in Canadian dollars is based on the current rate at the date of the transaction
** We accept Bitcoin! You can buy any hosting plan using Bitcoin simple and easy